The history of Stratusfaction at Armageddon

Brian Lusczki     December 10, 2014

Trish got the opportunity to compete in a triangle match for the women's title against Molly Holly & Ivory (c) but unfortunately left empty-handed.

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Once again, Trish found herself in another triple threat match for the gold. She appeared to be closing in on a victory but Victoria seized the opportunity after knocking her out with the belt. This was undetected by the referee, and it allowed her to cover Jacqueline to retain.

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The tension between Trish, Lita, Chris Jerichoand Christian finally came to a head in Eric Bischoff's "Battle of the Sexes" intergender match. While the girls were out to seek revenge over the guys' sleazy bet, Jericho seemingly found himself with a change of heart about being on opposite sides of the ring from Trish and showed remorse following his team's win.

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