7/21 RAW Results: Miscommunication Causes Loss

7/21 RAW Results: Miscommunication Causes Loss

July 21, 2003

7/14 RAW Results: Trish, Nash, Steiner Stand Tall

7/14 RAW Results: Trish, Nash, Steiner Stand Tall

July 14, 2003

7/6 RAW Results: Bad Night For Trish

7/6 RAW Results: Bad Night For Trish

July 6, 2003

6/30 RAW Results: Battle Royal; New Champion

6/30 RAW Results: Battle Royal; New Champion

June 30, 2003

6/29 Heat Results

6/29 Heat Results

June 29, 2003

6/9 RAW Results

6/9 RAW Results

June 9, 2003

6/2 RAW Results

6/2 RAW Results

June 9, 2003

6/22 Heat Resuts: Trish Turns Up The Heat

6/22 Heat Resuts: Trish Turns Up The Heat

June 9, 2003

TSN.ca: Stars go to Disneyworld for great cause

TSN.ca: Stars go to Disneyworld for great cause

June 5, 2003

icNewcastle: Wrestling sensation in Toon

icNewcastle: Wrestling sensation in Toon

June 4, 2003

5/26 RAW Results

5/26 RAW Results

May 26, 2003

Judgment Day Results

Judgment Day Results

May 18, 2003

5/12 RAW Results: Impressive Performance

5/12 RAW Results: Impressive Performance

May 12, 2003

Miami Herald: Stratusfaction guaranteed in WWE

Miami Herald: Stratusfaction guaranteed in WWE

May 6, 2003

The Halifax Herald Limited: WWE provides Stratusfaction

The Halifax Herald Limited: WWE provides Stratusfaction

May 6, 2003

Three years of Stratusfaction!

Three years of Stratusfaction!

March 21, 2003

WayMoreSports.com: Wrestling's top diva

WayMoreSports.com: Wrestling's top diva

February 18, 2003

Where's my Stratusfaction?

Where's my Stratusfaction?

February 15, 2003

Trish crowned 'Diva of the Decade'

Trish crowned 'Diva of the Decade'

January 18, 2003

Want to give - or get some Stratusfaction for the holidays?

Want to give - or get some Stratusfaction for the holidays?

December 12, 2002

Trish talks about being voted 2002 Babe of the Year

Trish talks about being voted 2002 Babe of the Year

October 18, 2002

Toronto Sun: Stratus the ultimate WWF Diva

Toronto Sun: Stratus the ultimate WWF Diva

March 15, 2002

Trish and her friends get ready to rock Toronto

Trish and her friends get ready to rock Toronto

March 15, 2002

WWF.com: She's back! Stratusfaction Guaranteed!

WWF.com: She's back! Stratusfaction Guaranteed!

October 17, 2001

Trish to co-host the finals for WWF Tough Enough

Trish to co-host the finals for WWF Tough Enough

September 27, 2001

Excess Trish

Excess Trish

August 23, 2001

Trish shoots commercial only days after surgery

Trish shoots commercial only days after surgery

August 13, 2001

Trish has surgery to repair injured ankle

Trish has surgery to repair injured ankle

August 3, 2001

Fleer brings Stratusfaction to NSCC attendees

Fleer brings Stratusfaction to NSCC attendees

July 5, 2001

Slam: Trish's theory of (character) evolution

Slam: Trish's theory of (character) evolution

June 12, 2001


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