 Things that I've tried to help with my infertility  April 24, 2019 |
 A Valentine's Day party: Trish shares some tips and tricks  February 18, 2019 |
 Tea for Two: Madi's 2nd birthday  January 15, 2019 |
 A hip-hop/rap-themed party: Max's 5th birthday  December 5, 2018 |
 A black & white piano themed party with a hint of Michael Jackson: Max's 4th birthday bash  August 29, 2018 |
 Mama & Max date to 'Let's Play Holiday Showcase'  December 6, 2017 |
 Food art by Trish Stratus  November 10, 2017 |
 How to plan a perfect themed party: Max's 3rd birthday bash  October 16, 2017 |
 Toddler breakfast ideas  August 3, 2016 |
 My thoughts on the new Women's Championship title & some words for the WOMEN wrestling at WrestleMania 32  April 3, 2016 |
 My thoughts on Ronda Rousey's loss, Paige & Charlotte closing Raw  November 17, 2015 |
 Delivering Stratusfaction in 2013 ... literally  December 31, 2013 |
 My Trishmas List  December 10, 2012 |
 My letter to my longtime mentor and friend, Bob Kennedy  April 13, 2012 |
 Delivering Stratusfaction for four years!  March 19, 2004 |
 Three years of Stratusfaction!  March 21, 2003 |
 Where's my Stratusfaction?  February 15, 2003 |
 Trish speaks!  November 24, 2000 |
 A personal message from Trish...  October 21, 1999 |
 Hey everyone!! Welcome to my cyber-home sweet home!!  September 9, 1999 |