8 ways WrestleMania celebrated Stratusfaction

TrishStratus.com     March 31, 2017

WWE's biggest event of the year is here and we're looking back at all the Stratusfaction that WrestleMania provided outside of the ring.


1. TV Guide

Trish appeared on the cover of TV Guide.


2. MADtv

Trish made her second appearance on MADtv that aired the night prior to WrestleMania XX.


3. Target exclusive

Trish's iconic ‘Brunette Mafia' ring gear from WrestleMania XXVII was made into an action figure as part Mattel's Elite HOF series.


4. BobbleTrish

A collector's edition bobblehead was released.


5. Big Time

Peter Gabriel's "Big Time" was the official theme song and tagline for WrestleMania 22. Trish was featured on banners & posters around the city of Chicago.


6. Collector cards

Fleer featured Trish in a limited edition WrestleMania XX card set that could only be obtained by sending in your cable bill.


7. Virtual Stratusfaction

Trish appeared in multiple WrestleMania-titled video games.


8. Hall of Famer

A commemorative t-shirt was released to coincide with Trish's HOF induction.

The history of Stratusfaction at WrestleMania

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