2/28 RAW Results

Tonight was suppose to be Christy Hemme's night to reveal her cover for Playboy magazine but the Women's Champion had a different agenda as she made her way to the ring.
Trish couldn't understand why Christy was once again trying to steal her spotlight and that it was starting to piss her off. Trish took exception - understanding you don't get that opportunity often.
Something, however, just didn't look right to Trish. So she pulled out a can of spray-paint, and crossed out the words "champion" on the cover. This did not sit well with Christy as she immediately stopped Trish - slapping her across the face. Trish responded by chick-kicking Christy in the head knocking her out. Trish wasn't done yet. She spray-painted the word "SLUT" on Christy's back. How will Christy react to being humiliated once again?

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