Candice Michelle interview: Trish gives her some encouragement
Candice Michelle was a guest this week on Mondey Night Mayhem's audio show and touched on Trish briefly:
"I remember when I first met Trish, I remember her telling me when she first started wrestling she didn't know as much and when she even had the belt the first time she didn't have as much wrestling skills by the time she retired. She's known as one the greatest female wrestlers that had the belt. So it gives me something to look foward to, and look up to."
"I remember when I first met Trish, I remember her telling me when she first started wrestling she didn't know as much and when she even had the belt the first time she didn't have as much wrestling skills by the time she retired. She's known as one the greatest female wrestlers that had the belt. So it gives me something to look foward to, and look up to."
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