Exclusive: 5 questions w/ Jake from 'Christmas in Rockwell'

TrishStratus.com     December 25, 2022

Get to know Stephen Huszar, who plays Jake in CHRISTMAS IN ROCKWELL, with these 5 questions.

1. Why should everyone watch CHRISTMAS IN ROCKWELL?

For starters, who wouldn't want to see the toughest women in entertainment star in a Christmas movie?! And secondly, it's the sweetest and most-charming holiday movie ever!

2. How was it working with Trish Stratus?

Besides Trish constantly challenging me to an arm wrestle, it was rather enjoyable. Thanks to her, I learned more about social media than I have in my whole life while we were shooting! Also, she's pretty much the coolest, sweetest, most talented and thoughtful person on the planet.

3. Do you see yourself in more Christmas films?

Only if it can top Christmas in Rockwell!

4. What is your favorite Christmas movie?

The Polar Express!

5. What's on your Christmas list this year?

1. Someplace warm and sunny.
2. Someplace warm and sunny.
3. Someplace warm and sunny.

Stream CHRISTMAS IN ROCKWELL today on Amazon Prime.

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