All newsNext story Trish Stratus steps into The Crossfire

Press     May 18, 2011

By Kenai Andrews

7-time WWE women's champion Trish Stratus is as busy as ever these days. Following up her successful Wrestlemania 27 return tagging up with Jersey Shore star Snooki and John Morrison, you can currently see her on WWE's Tough Enough reality series along with Stone Cold Steve Austin training the next generation of diamond-in-the-rough pro wrestlers. Did you know all the while she's been running her successful Stratusphere Yoga Studio for the past three years?

She recently stepped into The Crossfire for a quick chat about her action movie Bail Enforcers.

MMA Crossfire: What attracted you to Bail Enforcers?

Trish: The main thing that attracted me to the project was the action and fight scenes. I knew I would be able to be a part of putting together the choreography for the fight scenes and the opportunity to learn a new fighting art was exciting to me. After retiring from almost seven years of professional wrestling, the next project I did was co-produce a travel show Stratusphere, where I travelled the world and explored the various fighting arts that were a part of the countries I was visiting. I had the chance to try sword-fighting in India, Icelandic wrestling and Muay Thai boxing in Thailand just to name a few. And now, I find myself in this action movie - I guess fighting is a part of who I am. For this movie I studied Krav Maga. I loved the process of learning a new style and techniques and blending it with what I've already been doing for the last ten years. And, I'm proud to say the fights kick major butt! In fact, the fight scenes are what got us accepted into ActionFest Film Festival, where our film recently premiered.

MMA Crossfire: Describe the day-to-day experience of putting the film together.

Trish: The character I play is Jules Taylor and she is actually quite close to me - an full out butt-kicker (just kidding!). To be honest, the role itself wasn't a stretch from who you see on WWE programming, which really isn't a stretch from who I am in real life. So, the role was an easy one for me to settle into.

I had a great crew and very talented co-stars, so the environment was great and that made it easy to put in the long hours that we pulled. For a few weeks we were living vampire hours as it was all night scenes in the film so it made it a little easier to pull off when you enjoyed coming to work and we became a big family. Not unlike how it was being on the road with WWE.

MMA Crossfire: Would you consider doing other movies in the future?

Trish: Definitely - life is all about experiences. Look, I don't see myself up for the same role as Meryl Streep, but if the role included elements that I am passionate about like fighting or comedy, a great cast and script - sure, why not.

MMA Crossfire: It must have felt great to have Edge and Tara supporting you at the movie premiere.

Trish: ActionFest Film Festival was held in Asheville, North Carolina which happens to be where Adam (Copeland) aka Edge calls home. We've been friends my whole career and have remained close following my retirement so it was great having him there to support me, especially considering he announced his retirement the following day live of Raw. Same goes for Tara, she and Amy Dumas (Lita) are both my closest friends from the business. With both girls, we created a lot of big moments together and the bond that is formed when you share these moments never goes away. Tara has been there for many of my transitional out of wrestling moments: when I did a live performance at Second City, my wedding & now my film premiere. Her support means the world.

MMA Crossfire: Give us a typical shooting day schedule.

Trish: My vampire dairy aka shooting day:

2:00pm - Wake up

3:00pm - 4:30pm - Workout

4:30pm - 5:30pm - Prepare and pack up meals

5:30pm - Drive to set

6:00pm - Arrive to location and go into makeup

7:00pm- On set

6:00am - Wrap out

6:30am - Home

7:00am - 2:00pm - Sleep

MMA Crossfire: Tell me more about the shooting and how long Bail Enforcers took to come together.

Trish: The actual shooting took less than a month, but I began training for my role about three months out. Since I was taking on the role of a bounty hunter, I wanted to put back on some of the muscle definition and size I had lost since I was doing mostly yoga at this point. So, for the first two months, I started adding back weight training. Thanks to muscle memory, it came back pretty fast. Leading up to the beginning of production I was doing a lot of total body circuits and using HIIT and HIRT workouts. I was also being trained every other day in Krav Maga and during that I was helping choreograph the fight scenes.

For more information on Trish's movie Bail Enforcers, visit


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