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Fan Forum Five: Victoria edition     July 7, 2023

On this day 21 years ago, Lisa Marie Varon, better known as Victoria made her WWE debut against Trish Stratus on Sunday Night Heat.

Victoria is a 2-time WWE Women’s Champion and will be remembered as one of the greatest women Superstars ever to grace the squared circle. Her epic feud with Trish helped elevate the bar to another level in women’s wrestling. Outside of WWE, she achieved success in Total Nonstop Action as "Tara", having been crowned a 5-time TNA Women's Knockout Champion, as well as holding the Knockouts Tag Team Championship once during her tenure.

In celebration, we have asked Victoria to take on your questions in this special edition of #ff5 Fan Forum Five!

Q: Out of all the amazing gear you have worn throughout your career, which 2 are your favorite and why? -Joey (@joey_elsperger)
A: I have a couple favorites. I love my WWE retirement and TNA debut gear with the spider on the belly. It's very special to be me because I got to close one chapter and open another one. My next favorite is Royal Rumble outfit. You see me wear it at comic cons and special appearances, its age appropriate. I like the turtleneck and long sleeves and I don't have to worry about adjusting it while I am wrestling. It was custom made by Jolene, you can find her on social media @byjolene.

Q: What was it like for you seeing no fans in the audience during the pandemic? -Joe (@JakeBrono46)
A: You can see me walking down the ramp, taking it all in. It was really cool to see all their faces and their natural reactions on the screens. I think I would have been more nervous if it was a live crowd. In a way I am glad it wasn't a live crowd, the pressure was less than having a live crowd. But I do miss the sound of the live crowd in the arena. There is nothing like it, it's an adrenaline rush.

Q: When you and Trish Stratus had to beat the hell out of each other, how did you two go over your matches and prepare to hit each other over the head with objects? -Jon Lee (@lopezjonlee)
A: We never actually rehearsed hitting each other with objects. It was very scary and that's why hardcore matches tend to be very difficult. You don't know the pain you are going to encounter when you are in the ring. Thank God for adrenaline, it's an easy way to get through it. But the next day you feel the pain. That hardcore match. I broke my tooth in half, broke my nose, and got a huge lump on my head. But I could not have asked for a better opponent for those type of matches.

Q: Hi! I would say along with Jazz, Lisa/Victoria's work as a heel was a big part of what helped make Trish such a great babyface. My question for Victoria, where would you say you drew inspiriation for that character and why do you think it worked so well? -Tony (@LashLoru)
A: I would say Sherri Martel but I didn't choose to be crazy. When I was doing my tryouts and going over my style of wrestling, they said I wrestle very crazy. I didn't think I was wrestling crazy, but I was trying to wrestle with intensity. So they thought I worked crazy, but I learned to wrestle in Memphis where they taught you to make your moves really big. But I loved my crazy character.

Q: How was being a part of the first ever women's steel cage match? You and Lita made history! -Jennifer (@thelitalegion)
A: When walked into the arena and they told us we were having a cage match, I thought they were joking, I actually giggled. When they said we were having a cage match, the nerves really set in and you can see my face of being terrified of seeing the steel cage. I wanted to get color, which means bleed, during the match, but we weren't allowed to. So I told Lita to throw me as hard as she can against the steel cage. All I got was a lump, I didn't know how to cut my head, I should have scrapped down on the cage. But it was very terrifying. The only thing I didn't like about the match was my ring gear. It was not tight enough to stay up and it was a distraction.

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