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Exclusive first comments from Hall of Fame inductee Trish Stratus and her supporters

Brian Lusczki     January 29, 2013

WWE broke the news on Raw that Trish Stratus will be inducted into this years Hall of Fame class of 2013. contacted Trish once the news broke for her first comments.

"I still can't believe it," the newest Hall of Fame inductee said. "I'm just so honored to be taking my place alongside WWE's greatest, as a wrestling fan – I'm kind of blown away! It's simply amazing."

Trending worldwide, timelines fired up with an outpouring of support for the record breaking champion. Looks like we're not the only ones proud of Trish – check out the tweets from Trish's colleagues, friends and fans.

Trish Stratus announced as WWE Hall of Fame 2013 inductee

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