Calgary Sun: TV host wrestles with comedy

Brian Lusczki     July 8, 2007

Upon hearing the name Second City, one might think of SCTV or some of the great comedians who have graced the famed nightclub's stage.

John Belushi, Gilda Radner, Bill Murray, John Candy, Tina Fey, Stephen Colbert and Steve Carell are just a few of the big names who've headlined at the North American comedy chain.

So, with all this incredible talent already behind the company's name, it seems odd former WWE wrestler Trish Stratus would be asked to host its new reality TV show, The Second City's Next Comedy Legend.

That is until you probe a little deeper.

"When I was in my wrestling career in 2004, I broke my thumb and all of sudden I had some down time, so I decided to take some improv classes," explains the 32-year-old Canadian fitness model/actress.

"I have always been a big fan of improv because in wrestling a lot of what we do is improv. I mean, we go out there on a live stage and basically call it as we go."

Second City contacted her with the idea for a one-night-only show in which she would act alongside the cast.

The series is not a search for Canada's best stand-up comedian. Instead, it gives aspiring improv actors the chance to work together in classic Second City sketches in hope of becoming a member of the comedy troupe. The Second City's Next Comedy Legend premiers Tuesday on CBC.

by tara merrin
source: calgary sun

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