Night of Champions results: Trish adds muscle
The GOAT makes her way to the ring.
Cool, calm and collected.
Becky lands a right.
Trish sees a target.
Boot to the face.
Classic Trish Stratus chokehold.
Ready for your close-up?
Jeddah acknowledges Trish.
The Man mounts a comeback.
Becky comes crashing down.
Baseball slide to the back of Trish's head.
Trish counters with a headscissors.
Trish hangs on.
Frustration starts to set in.
Becky applies the Dis-arm-her.
Trish escapes by pulling hair.
Trish tries to escape under the ring.
Zoey Stark appears.
Trish hits the Stratusfaction for her first singles win in 16 years.
The GOAT outsmarts The Man.
Trish adds muscle.
Stills from match ยป
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