Trish speaks!

Trish Stratus     November 24, 2000

Hello everyone!

It is nice to be back in Toronto and talking to my fans! It has been wonderful going through my comment board and reading all the wonderful things so many of you have had to say. You guys are simply the greatest fans in the world. Thanks for all the support!

I admit I have been naughty – it has been hard to reply to all the great e-mails I have been getting. But as most of you know it has been very busy. We do house shows on Saturday and Sundays and we tape our shows on Mondays and Tuesdays. The hours are long and the work is hard. One of the most fun aspects of my work with the WWF is the travel, but unfortunately it's also one of the toughest aspects. Just last week, we were in Florida and I am only in Toronto for a couple days before I have to head to Chicago. I can't complain, it's been exciting. But it would be great to just spend three straight days with my fans answering e-mail and saying thanks!

Many of you have asked about my diet and what I do to stay in shape. Lisa Lee from Philadelphia wrote in asking how I stay in shape (I also answered you in the comment board, Lisa!) It's been a lot harder to stay in shape because of all the travel, but I've been able to stick to my program. Keep surfing into my site as I will be introducing a brand new page that will outline my training program. Until then, my best advice, Lisa, is to just pick a program, any program, and stick with it.

Some of you have wondered who I enjoy working with the most. There are so many great people, but I would have to say three of my favourites are my boys of course, T & A , Val Venis was great to work with, and I think my feud with Lita was one of the best in a long time.

I want to thank everyone who has been a part of this site. I gotta finish packing because that plane for Chicago isn't going to wait. Your comments mean a lot to me and I am looking forward to reading more of them. I have answered a bunch of questions today and I will be answering a whole slew of questions on Tuesday November 28th.. So feel free to drop in a question or comment. Maybe I will answer you back! Again, thanks everyone!

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