The LAW recap

Brian Lusczki     April 7, 2008

Host Jason Agnew sat down with Trish to talk about what she has been up to.

- The discussion jumps into Stratusphere. Trish explains she is shooting a new travel show where she gets to travel the world and enjoy it this time around.

- Jason asks about the Glima wrestling. She gives a brief history lesson about it and calls it silly. She elaborates how it works: she was strapped to belts and kind of danced with take downs.

- Jason wants to know more about other the adventures. She mentions racing reindeer in Norway. She got pulled by reindeer at 40 km per hour on skies and added that she never fell.

- They continue to talk about the show and the next tour lined up: combat fighting. She loves adventures things and loves to fight. 50% of the activties involves fighting. Kick-boxing and stick-fighting are some of what she will take part in.

- Why did she come back for Raw's 15 Anniversary? Simply because it was the show's anniversary instead of a big storyline. Called it a good feel moment for Trish fans & Lita fans. Her and Amy loved it. WWE was generous on what they wanted to do and eventually came up with a scenario.

- Did they ask to come back? Not so much knowing she was pursuing other things outside of wrestling. But the door is always open.

- Still watch the product? Not per se but she keeps up online and by listening to the LAW every Sunday.

- Jason talks about Beth Phoenix being involved in a Playboy match at WrestleMania instead of a meaningful one (i.e. vs. Trish). Trish double checks that's called BunnyMania. She says there will always be a place for it but they could always provide the additional idea of what she did and that was have a women's storyline going. She goes on to say boohoo and doesn't like it one bit.

- See any TNA stuff? She has - it's amazing. She loves the fact that every girl works.

- Talk moves onto Stratusphere Yoga. The tentative opening date is at the end of April as long as construction goes as it is going. She's excited about finally opening a place that she is passionated about.

- Will she be teaching? She just completed her ceriftication and will eventually. Intially her goal was to hire the best instructors in Toronto.

- Jason calls himself a "stick figure" and plans to attend classes. Trish jokes that she will first put him into naked yoga so he can ease into it. As a matter of fact, he was naked during their interview she says and thinks it's weird but she was used to it. And the interview ends at that.

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