Australia SummerSlam Tour Results

Brian Lusczki     August 3, 2006

Newcastle, Australia - Carlito & Trish Stratus d. Johnny Nitro & Melina. This was every intergender match ever, except for near the end when Johnny Nitro was being thrown out of the ring and launched himself into the air without grabbing the ropes and took a flat back bump. Stratus pinned Melina after the Chick Kick. Carlito seemed to put in more effort than he does on TV.

Sydney, Australia - Trish Stratus & Torrie Wilson defeated Mickie James & Melina. Stock standard divas tag match. Still, it resembled Flair V Steamboat after the previous match. Trish got the pin on Mickie after the “Chick Kick”. Melina walked through the curtain last after the match, looking to be in agony, yet minutes later, was fine when she accompanied Johnny Nitro to the ring!

Melbourne, Australia - Trish Stratus & Torrie Wilson beat Mickie James & Melina when Trish used a chick kick on Mickie. All four women were over. Trish started the match off, then later tagged to Torrie. Mickie & Melina isolated her for a long time. Trish eventually got the hot tag, which led to flurry of offense, ending with a chick kick on Mickie. After Trish & Torrie left, Melina was holding Mickie's title belt, which led to a ringside verbal argument between the two.

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