Stratus Signing - Club Menage

Brian Lusczki     July 22, 2006

Lee has provided us with some cool pics. Check them out!


Kaitlin sent along her memorable encounter:

"I had the great privledge of meeting Trish on Friday. Myself and my best friend and fellow wrestler got to speak with her for about 10 minutes, due to their only being about 30 people in line in Toronto. I thought it was odd but then realized it wasnt WWE who was having her come in, it was another company so we had to pay $20, but whatever. She was so amazingly real in person. I got her to sign the book I write all of my matches in and when I told her and showed her that her jaw just dropped. She wrote "Kaitlin reach for the Stratusphere" followed by her signature. I thanked her for evolving the business the way that she did and told her she was the reason I became a wrestler. She asked us all sorts of questions about who trained us and some independent matches we have had. When I asked her about the rumors of retiring she gave me a hopeful smile and said "I'm here, thats all I can say.. Were having Unforgiven here in my home town I'm going to make everyone proud." We had a bit of silent communication afterwards, I didnt want to push her but without speaking a word I asked her if that would be her last match, and her eyes told me yes. It was a bit of a teary moment for me so she stood up and gave me a hug. We got our picture with her and she continued to ask us some more about our wrestling experiences. It was by far worth the money, usually you have enough time to say Hey and when they are done their signature you have to move along. It was the best autograph signing I have ever been to. I told her I hope in a few years I will see her in the WWE, and suggested she become a trainer or an agent, and she seemed to like the idea. Click here for the photo.


"Hey Brian, its Dana. I have to share this with you, and any other person who loves Trish too. Last night at the signing at Club Menage something happened to me, and I'll never be the same again! As I walked into the room, as Ryan explained I was greeted with those big beautiful brown eyes! I had no idea what was about to happen to me, while Trish knew for days! Just to back track, I met her before the Raw London show and gave her a card, it was a card that said I supported her with any decision she makes. Then I met her on Wed. at Second City, she asked me if I was coming to last night's signing, and I said "of course!" Little did I know, she had something special planned for me! So back to last night, I walk into the room, and walk over to Trish already crying! She gave me a huge hug, and we talk for a few seconds. Then she says, "Dana, I have something for you!" I'm thinking HOLY SH*T! She gives me this bag, and I look in and there's a pair of these shiny pants I would recognize from anywhere! They were a pair of her in ring worn pants, signed with a message saying, 'To Dana, to my most loyal and supportive fan, thanks for all the love, love Trish Stratus xoxo' (I have them stashed in a special secret spot!) I had to fight the tears! I've never felt so close to her, we got to talk for like 20 minutes, it was so personal! I've always had a special place in my heart for her, and now I know she has a spot for me, and that couldn't make me any happier. So that's my story, I hope you like it, I'll never forget that day for the rest of my life, and for any one who doubts Trish's love for her fans, I hope that changes your mind. Trish is the most loyal, loving, and beautiful person(inside and out) I've ever met. If your reading this Trish, I love you so much, and you couldn't have made me feel more special! I know you were surprised that I didn't flip out, but you should have seen me once I got into my car! Those pants will be framed, and put on my Trish wall! Thank you so much! Love Dana xox" Click here to see Trish posing for the camera.


My friend Ryan attended Friday night's Stratus Signing at Club Menage in Toronto:

"The signing was great for the most part. I brought her some stuff and put it all in a handbag I got from someone for my birthday. My time came and they say go into the next room. I expect Trish in some corner far off but as soon as you step your foot in, Trish is right there. It was like woah! I go up and shake her hand, asking how's it going? I gave her my bag and I said I know it's not your birthday but I got ya a little something anyways. She said "so it's more like a belated birthday gift?" (laughing) After looking at the stuff in the bag, she signed a photo of mine from the last time we met. She told me, "nice meeting I mean nice meeting you again - me & you go way back" (laughing)

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