7/7 - 7/9 Houseshow Results
Barrie, Ontario - Trish was over huge, which wasn't surprising since we're only about an hour & a half away from Toronto. Matt Striker was introduced as the Guest Ring Announcer. He came out & played the face which surprised me. Trish got in all of her spots during the match until Striker tripped her while she was running against the ropes & Mickie rolled her up for the win. After the match, Trish gave Striker a low blow, kicked James in the head & walked off with the title belt. pwinsider.com
London, Ontario - Carlito and Trish Stratus defeated Melina and Johnny Nitro. Trish pinned Melina after a Stratusfaction bulldog. Mickie James attacked post match, but Carlito set her up to be beaten up by Trish. wrestlingobserver.com
Lincoln, NE - Carlito & Trish beat Johnny Nitro & Melina. At one point Melina got caught trying to sneak up on Carlito and Carlito held her while Trish gave her a spanking. Carlito was did some pretty impressive high-flying moves, which work great with his face persona. Trish pinned Melina after giving chick kicks to Melina. pwtorch.com
London, Ontario - Carlito and Trish Stratus defeated Melina and Johnny Nitro. Trish pinned Melina after a Stratusfaction bulldog. Mickie James attacked post match, but Carlito set her up to be beaten up by Trish. wrestlingobserver.com
Lincoln, NE - Carlito & Trish beat Johnny Nitro & Melina. At one point Melina got caught trying to sneak up on Carlito and Carlito held her while Trish gave her a spanking. Carlito was did some pretty impressive high-flying moves, which work great with his face persona. Trish pinned Melina after giving chick kicks to Melina. pwtorch.com
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