Tea for Two: Madi's 2nd birthday
After the craziness of hosting 45+ at Christmas and the last minute decision to have Madi baptized that day and turn it into a Christmas Christening, Madi's second birthday crept up way too fast (not to mention my baby turning 2 crept up way too fast 😩). I was almost not going to do anything at all except for blow out a couple of candles after dinner with the four of us, rationalizing that my freshly turned two year old wouldn't have noticed whether a party was thrown or not (truly she wouldn't have, before you start calling me an unfair mom comparing that thought to Max's recent hip hop party lol). But I spotted the cutest little tea shop near our home and I thought how perfect – a tea party it is... Tea for Two!

Possibly the need to use that pun drove the decision home, or knowing she had the most adorable outfit fit for a proper tea party hanging in her closet, a hand me down from a good friend, sized 2, made the decision complete. I mean where else would she wear this outfit except to high tea?

The After Queen has the most elegant decor, filled to the ceiling with curated antiques, it offers a proper tea service on fine bone china dishware.

It did cross my mind that having a toddler in a place like this is a bit like having a bull in a china shop, but both Madi and Max were amazingly well behaved and happily took in all the lovely things to see. Plus, the 3 tiered serving of finger sandwiches, fresh baked scones and petit fours, keep them nibbling away the whole time.

In fact, they picked up on the etiquette of it all pretty quickly!

Following tea, I had the family back at our house for cake where I did a simple, cute little set up for the desserts.

How adorable is this vanity?? It used to be my mom's when she was little if you can believe it! I recently had it refinished by Alison from Redefined Finds for Madi's room and I brought it down and added some pieces from her actual play tea set. It was perfect for Madi's little tea party (not to mention an adorable backdrop for photos).

As things came together rather last minute, I didn't have time to get a cake made this time, so here's my cake boss attempt! I took a basic vanilla grocery store bought cake and embellished it with the same pieces from my little set up... I think it turned out quite cute!

It was a perfect little gathering and I'm glad I decided to go for it... after all, Tea for Three doesn't have quite the same ring to it!
Check out more photos below!
• Madi turns one

Possibly the need to use that pun drove the decision home, or knowing she had the most adorable outfit fit for a proper tea party hanging in her closet, a hand me down from a good friend, sized 2, made the decision complete. I mean where else would she wear this outfit except to high tea?

The After Queen has the most elegant decor, filled to the ceiling with curated antiques, it offers a proper tea service on fine bone china dishware.

It did cross my mind that having a toddler in a place like this is a bit like having a bull in a china shop, but both Madi and Max were amazingly well behaved and happily took in all the lovely things to see. Plus, the 3 tiered serving of finger sandwiches, fresh baked scones and petit fours, keep them nibbling away the whole time.

In fact, they picked up on the etiquette of it all pretty quickly!

Following tea, I had the family back at our house for cake where I did a simple, cute little set up for the desserts.

How adorable is this vanity?? It used to be my mom's when she was little if you can believe it! I recently had it refinished by Alison from Redefined Finds for Madi's room and I brought it down and added some pieces from her actual play tea set. It was perfect for Madi's little tea party (not to mention an adorable backdrop for photos).

As things came together rather last minute, I didn't have time to get a cake made this time, so here's my cake boss attempt! I took a basic vanilla grocery store bought cake and embellished it with the same pieces from my little set up... I think it turned out quite cute!

It was a perfect little gathering and I'm glad I decided to go for it... after all, Tea for Three doesn't have quite the same ring to it!
Check out more photos below!
• Madi turns one
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