Reddit AMA recap: Trish talks Gridlocked, Brock Lesnar-UFC, current favorite Superstars, underwear and more     June 9, 2016

Trish participated in a Reddit AMA on Thursday to promote her new film Gridlocked, set to be released on DVD & Blu-ray this Tuesday.

We rounded up her Q&A below where Trish talks Brock Lesnar and UFC, fighting with Michelle McCool and who she's loving currently on WWE TV.

Q: As a person who wants to start doing yoga what are some tips to get focused

A: Don't be afraid to take a break from your everyday and turn inside, try to be present and open and the rest will come.

Q: Do you still watch WWE and if so, who are some of your current favourites?

A: I do watch still. Loving Enzo and Big Cass right now

Q: Whats the best way to stay motivated for exercising and being in shape because you have managed to stay in tremendous shape even after retirement and it is inspiring!

A: Make a lifestyle so its not something you have to force yourself to do, it is just part of your day to workout, like brushing your teeth (just sweatier). Eating well - can't beat how much better you feel when you eat well... plus you are what you eat. So what you put in your body makes a huge difference to how you feel and look.

Q: If you were trapped in a bubble by aliens what type and color would your bubble be? 1.soap bubble 2.bubble gum bubble or 3.balloon

A: It would be purple and it would a balloon. Soap would pop too easily and I would probably start chewing on the gum bubble to pass time so...

Q: I'm getting into wrestling and I was wondering if you could tell me who made the black thong underwear you wore in the wwe. I'm having a hard time finding comfortable underwear.

A: I totally can't recall! But i had like 20 pairs so I could wash and wear and they were cotton so super comfy... hit me on twitter sometime @trishstratuscom - I'm sure it will come to me! It starts with an A... lol??

Q: How hyped are you for the upcoming Leafs season considering how well the rebuild has been going?

A: Things are looking bright! GO LEAFS GO!!

Q: When you were on Armed & Famous, what happened in the episodes that never aired and anything crazy that we didn't get to see? Do you still talk with anyone from the show; La Toya Jackson, Wee Man, Erik Estrada, Jack Osborne?

A: Totally crazy things.... more La Toya cat action, more of my takedowns.. only to be locked in a vault that only CBS brass will ever know about...

And, yes, I kept in touch with a few of my fellow celeb officers after the show..

Q: What was your favorite thing about shooting this movie?

A: The fight scenes! I love learning new fight techniques and combining that with my own skill set. Also, of course, working alongside such great actors. I took a little something from each of them.

Q: How did it feel to make it to the main event of Raw as a women's wrestler? Which of the female superstars in the current roster do you think deserve a shot at it too?

A: Blessed to have been given the opportunity to main event - we worked our ass off for a spot like that! Any of the current females deserve that chance, they too are working their asses off. That's what we do, just like the males, you do you best work and hope that your work takes you to the top.

Q: I remember watching mad tv when you were a guest. you were super funny. i still think about the scene with you in the bed. have you thought about pursuing any comedy roles?

A: I would love to… those ass-kicking roles just seem to keep showing up for me

Q: This is the longest you haven't appeared on WWE television since your retirement, are you done with wrestling?

A: I never say never. I have always said if something interesting was proposed to me that would challenge me and elevate another talent.. sign me up.

Q: How do you feel about Lesnar's return to the UFC? How of you feel about MMA in general? I heard rumors of you wanting to compete, How close or true is that?

A: I will def be watching! I wish him luck… When filming my travel show a few years back - I was filming in Thailand and did some Muay Thai training at Fairtex. I had a fight and afterwards I felt like I kind of had the bug to compete. But, once I got back I realized I don't want to get punched in the face for a living.

Q: What similarities do you share with your character Gina?

A: We both are strong females in a male dominated world... who happen to kick serious ass

Q: If you could be in any TV series, past or present, which one would you love to star in?

A: Wonder women... as wonder women.

Q: How much different is doing a movie than doing a TV taping for WWE?

A: I would have to say nothing compares to a live arena filled with the WWE Universe!! Shooting a movie is very different, lots of takes, long hours. Sometimes it will take days just for one scene. WWE is like instant gratification. You deliver stratusfaction and the audience explodes. With a movie you sometimes have to wait 2 years before you see that stratusfaction delivered (in this case), however, stratusfaction with sound effects and special angles and a sound track def make up for it! Very different process, and I love both processes!

Q: Were you disappointed you didn't get to wrestle a singles match with Michelle McCool in your last run?

A: I would have loved to wrestle McCool in a singles! It could have been GOOOOD - the promos would have been stellar!

Q: What are your thoughts on Kurt Angle?

A: An amazing athlete and a great friend. He is one of the best sports entertainers from our industry - honored I got to work with him. And we had a lot of fun with our storylines! It's true. It's true.

Q: What was your reaction to being asked to work Wrestlemania 27 and team with Snooki and John Morrison? Whose idea was it? Was Snooki any problems to work with?

A: I was open to the idea mostly because I knew I would get the chance to mix it up with Michelle and Layla. Snooki was great - she was eager, open to trying things and ultimately pulled off that awesome back-handspring move!

Q: How goes the charity work? And thanks for doing that sort of unsung hero type stuff. It makes a huge difference.

A: I continue to do what I can. It is rewarding to give back and especially working with a charity that is close to your heart, makes the work that much more rewarding.

If you missed your chance to ask her a question, we're still taking questions for our next Gridlocked edition of Fan Forum Five. Submit your question HERE.

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