Top 10 Trish & Mickie moments     November 19, 2015

Possessing one of WWE's most memorable and long running storylines produced from women, Mickie James and Trish Stratus will go down as one of their most impactful rivalries. With a WrestleMania match having reactions which rivalled the men's that night and a final showdown in the historic MSG, narrowing their highlights to the 10 most unforgettable moments was not an easy task.

But thankfully, Stratuspherians and James Gang members helped immensely in the selection process! The call went out, and you answered in droves.

Here now are the top 10 moments in Trish and Mickie's history, along with their thoughts and memories.

10. Mickie shows off her 'Trish shrine'

Mickie: I remember us both being kinda creeped out by the photos because her eyes were cut out In every one of them. Playfully we even made little masks out of them...

Trish: Nothing wrong with having a room of Trish everywhere, I've seen plenty of pics of those on Twitter - it doesn't mean they're crazy, does it?

9. Ashley crashes Mickie's celebration party for Trish (w/ "She's a psycho" crowd chant)

Mickie: I'm not a psycho! Crying on cue is a gift!

Trish: I personally was just excited to be in the same segment as Dolph Ziggler, the artist formerly known as Nicky.

8. Trish & Mickie tag together for the first time

Mickie: I remember personally being super nervous. It was my first real match in Raw and although I knew I could hang in the ring... I was still very intimidated by Lisa & Trish. I'd been watching them for so long hoping to get to work with them and now that was reality.

Trish: What made me excited about tagging with Mickie was seeing how well we meshed as partners, I know that would translate well once we got the chance to eventually face off!

7. Mickie dresses up as "Trish" for Halloween

Mickie: I don't know what was worse that wig or that Belt! Seriously! Lol. It took all night to make and I was so embarrassed yet proud at the same time. It still makes me laugh when I see it.

Trish: But the outfit was dead on... hmmm, did someone sneak into my wardrobe container??

6. Mickie turns on Trish

Mickie: This was an awesome moment for me. On such a nostalgic show too! That was icing on the cake! We had built to it for so long. I was hoping I could deliver the way I wanted too... And I think we did!

Trish: And what a Chick Kick by Mickie! Er, sorry, I mean Mick Kick. Someone was clearly studying my moves closely – one of the most well executed versions I've seen of the Chick Kick... okay, Holly Holm's was pretty good too #ohnoshedidnt #yeahIdid

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5. Trish becomes "Mickie"

Mickie: Haha! That was a lot of fun!!! More bangles... More belts!!! That's what Trish kept saying to me when she was going through all my stuff to put on. I had to keep myself from cracking up when she came out mocking me. I'm sure you could see as much as I tried to hide it.

Trish: So much fun to be able to break out of the stoic Trish Stratus character... in 'real life' I'm a bit of a goofball, so it was fun to let loose out there and play another character so to speak. And, I have to say, it's kind of strange looking back at those photos with me as a brunette – seeing me with my current hair color feels like I'm looking at photos of a match Mickie and I had last week. But there are no babies in the corners, so it obviously is not.

4. Trish wrestles Mickie in her final Raw match

Mickie: A bitter sweet day for the whole locker room. We all cried a little that day. She had helped me so much and been so giving from day one. I could never repay her for that... I was honored to share the ring with her that day in a place I'd dreamed of performing. MSG! What better place to go out?!

Trish: I couldn't have said it any better! Tears were had, I was just as honored to share the ring with Mickie and for us to have our last dance of Raw at MSG – that's the stuff dreams are made of!

3. 'Do you love me now Trish Stratus?!'

Mickie: What a cool line right? That couldn't have come off better if we tried. Ashley was amazing and so believable. I just remember once I got the bloody nose thinking 1st "Whoa I'm bleeding... Cool... I'm so gonna wipe it on her!" I think that was what really made that ending work. The bloody kiss!

Trish: That line, delivered with the crazed eyes and bloody mouth was SO creepy! And if you guys go back and see how they used that line in our pre-PPV package... Golden! Cinematic excellence.

2. Mickie kisses Trish under the mistletoe

Mickie: So awkward!!! Lol. And a locker room sell out if I might add. I don't think there was a writer that didn't try to be involved in that pre tape... Maybe kiss her this way? Oh no... How about we put the mistletoe over here?! It might be a coin toss between that and the shower scene! I don't want to ruin it for you guys out there... But you get goofy chicks together and ask them to do a scene like this... It may take all day! Not because of the takes... But just to get serious enough to make it believable and not laugh the whole time!

Trish: Ah, our first smooch – how could I forget! And, clearly no one else did as us kissing was voted number two!! Lol... Yeah, we don't want to kill the sexy girl on girl moment for you guys, but SO much goofiness that day – if only we had the outtakes from that day!! Unsexy, goofballery to the max!

1. Trish & Mickie battle at WrestleMania

Mickie: By far one of my greatest matches. Both televised an non. There's nothing more I can say about this match thy I haven't already so I'll just let it speak for itself.

We made some magic along the way girl! The fact that people still talk about it in such high regards means we must've done something right! But seriously... Do you love me now?!?! 😜💋💋💋

Trish: Hands down one of my career highlights as well. To have a storyline continue for so long – I believe it was about 5 months by this point, is not only rare, but special. To know we had an audience captivated for months, watching our story unravel right up until this moment, as a performer, you couldn't ask for a better stage to be set. And for it to culminate at WrestleMania was quite simply, perfect.

And, yes Mickie – I do love you now!! See, all that was not for nothing! 😜💋💋💋

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