Fan Forum Five: Mickie James edition

Jon Waldman     October 12, 2015

After fans chose Mickie James as the third member of Team Bestie, we decided to give the former WWE Women's, Divas and TNA Knockouts Champion her official initiation – putting her in front of the Stratuspherian firing squad for a special edition of #ff5.

Mickie's career has encompassed so much both inside and outside the ring. From her early days in the independents, to her ascension to national recognition first under the name Alexis Laree in RoH and TNA to reaching the apex of the female brand of wrestling in both WWE and TNA, Mickie has maintained a standing as one of the most successful women to ever compete in the ring. Along the way she gained a strong following for her music endeavors, had a child with Nick Aldis (former TNA Champion Magnus) and today is part of Global Force Wrestling.

So with all this in mind, there were plenty of possibilities for questions for "Hardcore Country" to answer. Here are the best five from Mickie James.

Q: Did you ask Trish for advice during your pregnancy? If not have you asked for advice after the birth of baby Donovan -Wayne (@ski101)
A: Trish was actually the first person in the business that I told I was pregnant. Well, aside from Nick of course! I was working a show in Toronto that I had to change what I was doing from wrestling to a special guest referee that night. Needless to say they haven't had me back. Haha! I hadn't seen Trish in ages. In fact I think the last time I'd seen her prior to that was backstage at a TNA when she came to visit the ladies. And it was the 1st time I'd met Max who was only 6 months old at the time. They stopped by my hotel for a visit and I just had to tell someone. Someone I trusted. I guess I just really needed reassurance that it was all gonna be okay. I was scared to death! I was terrified about the whole idea of a child, was I ready? Would I be a good mom? The questions as any mother knows, never stops. She was there for me then and many times since. It's nice to have someone who's been there, but not so long ago that they've forgotten the little things that you're neurotic about. We often joke how our pregnancy paths were... at least timing wise... so similar.

Q: If you were trapped inside of a cartoon, which show would you choose? -R.K. Gold (@rkgold91)
A: Only the greatest cartoon series ever made... The Simpsons!! Although I'm pretty sure that Roger Rabbit is the most accurate of real cartoon life. of course this is just my opinion but I mean, they can't be on the clock all the time folks... Even Bugs Bunny needs a little vodka in his carrot juice once in a while... am I right or am I right?! "I'm not bad... I'm just drawn that way!" -JESSICA RABBIT

Q: What do you miss the most being in the WWE? -Casandra (@Casandra3211)
A: I hate reminiscing... It always tears me up. There's a lot of things that I miss about it. There's very few things I don't. But what I miss most, and I know it sounds a bit cheesy... don't worry it's a bit selfish as well! I miss performing in front of you people... In front of my fans... In front of thousands of people every night all over the world. I miss the roar of the crowd when my music hit. I miss the "Mickie James" chants. I miss trying to put together the absolute best match we could for you guys & gals every night. I miss the autograph signings that I was dreading getting up for at 6 am. I miss doing not only what I adore... but what I'm good at... Every night... In front of the greatest audience on the planet. Thats what I miss the most.

Q: If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why? -David (@DT_Hanmer)
A: This is a tough question. There's a few I'd love! The power to fly, the power to always see the truth, telepathy, psychic powers (that would've kept me out of so much trouble), the power to eat whatever I want and always be in the greatest shape... But these are all in jest. Of course they would be really cool but they'd probably suck all the fun out of life. Except for flying! That would be incredible! haha... But in reality if I could have one... and only one super power it would be the Power to Heal... to heal the sick, heal disease, to heal the broken bones, spirits & hearts, to heal all suffering... that would be the most rewarding power anyone could ever have.

Q: What was your biggest struggle during your indie wrestling days did people ever doubt that you would make it to where you are now? -Elliot (@CaptainHGloval)
A: My biggest struggle was to keep pursuing my dream. To keep believing in myself and my dream. To not allow circumstances, all the no's, all the people who said I'd never make it, to get to me. There's always doubt, there's always struggle, there's always people and events to knock you down and off your path. But to stay true on your goal. To keep fighting, to keep believing was a task in itself. Even the greatest of heros in every story every told always came up against great adversary. And usually the greatest of those comes before the gift. I kept believing that and "The cream always rises to the top" mentality. Was it easy? No, it was the hardest thing I'd ever done in my life! Was it overnight? Hardly... It was years & years of busting my butt, of sleeping in my car, of tears, blood, and fears... but when that moment finally came.. When I finally made it... that water never tasted sweeter!

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