Trish shares her Best Health secrets

Press     April 27, 2013

Photo: Stratus Enterprises, Inc.
Trish Stratus needs no introduction. The fitness icon, actress and entrepreneur is recognized as one of the top sports entertainment athletes in the world through her achievements with WWE as a seven-time Women's Champion.

But did you know she also owns the largest eco-friendly yoga studio in Canada, has a crush on Jim Carrey and has a baby on the way?

Learn a little bit more about her in this month's installment of "It works for me."

10 words that describe you: Driven, passionate, quirky, adventurous, optimist, goofball, nerd, athletic, yogi, soon-to-be mama.

First paid job: Serving donuts at Pete's Donuts.

Dream job: I'm living it!

Favourite workout: My Stratusphere Yoga workout. It's strength training incorporated into a yoga flow. You get the best of both worlds.

Least-favourite workout: Any dance-related workout. My coordination stinks!

Diet: Whole food diet, avoiding processed foods.

Go-to healthy snack: Kale chips and nuts.

Favourite food indulgence: Fish and chips.

Red or white wine? Neither, I don't drink.

Coffee or tea? Tea.

Indoor or outdoor workouts? Both! New surroundings mean new workout challenges.

Morning or evening workouts? Any time my schedule permits.

Celeb crush: Jim Carrey

Dream travel destination: I travelled most of the world when I was on the road with WWE, as well as in 2008 when I filmed my travel show, but if I could choose one place to revisit it would be Java, Indonesia - it's so beautiful!

Healthy living philosophy: Achieving wellness through balanced living - which is the motto of my brand, Stratupshere.


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